In the 1970s, the Holy Spirit revealed Elijah Hong to be the present-day Prophet of All Nations. He is the one God raised from the east. In the 1980s, he preached the epochal message of �諪nd Men�䏭 Kingdoms, Realize God�䏭 Kingdom��. He declared to the world, �嚹he God of heaven will crush all kingdoms of men; terminate the world, Babylon; and Christ shall rule over the universe forever!��

In the beginning of the twenty-first century, the prophet led the Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade and Eden Homestead to preach the gospel of the Lord�䏭 sovereignty to the whole world, assuming the ministry of the Light of All Nations. By August 2005, they had gone out 18 times to all the continents and oceans.

Wherever the prophet went, he represented the Throne to destroy the systems of men�䏭 kingdoms, and issued warning about the end-time tribulation. He asked the Lord to set free all mankind and turn their heart to Christ. Terrible natural disasters and calamities struck according to his prophecies: hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, diseases, social violence, military and political unrest, etc. These are all on the increase.

Isaiah chapter 41 says: �乪ho (God) raised up one from the east? Who in righteousness called him to His feet? Who gave the nations before him, And made rule over kings?�� These words are being fulfilled! When the man from the east finishes his ministry as a swooping eagle, men�䏭 history will reach its end.