Lunar 7.21 Brings Gracious Words of 9.24, Taiwan Churches Established on Lunar 9.24

On August 17, 1965 (lunar July 21) during the morning prayer fellowship, the Holy Spirit moved Sister Kong to discuss the second chapter of Haggai. Once gain she talked about the Inspiration of 7.21�𤴆he Holy Spirit rebuilds the New Testament Church (NTC). She especially mentioned about the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. The temple of God was desolate before this day, but God would bless the temple after this day. Sister Kong also touched upon the issue of hoisting the banner of the NTC. God revealed to her that the NTC should not only exist in name, but also in reality and vice versa. She must have the name and the reality, being worthy of one another. The Church, besides receiving the life testimony of blood, water, and Holy Spirit within and walking after the biblical truth congregationally, must also hoist the signboard of a local church as an outward testimony. This is to witness that God has chosen a group of people at that place and they are willing to serve Him according to His heart, and are giving an effective testimony to His complete truth. Through the interpretation of tongues, the Holy Spirit revealed to His maidservant that the gatherings at the various parts of Taiwan, Sibu, and other places that had received the revelatory truth of the Holy Spirit rebuilding the NTC that the Lord had entrusted the Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade (GJCC) to preach would be established. They would erect the signboards of the local churches. Moreover, those local congregations, which obeyed the Lord�䏭 commandment, would be established. They would testify that God restores the lost lands, pronounce the downfall of Satan�䏭 kingdom, declare that the denominational power was shattered and that the NTC would be established everywhere. The truth of God would be greatly victorious and false doctrines confounded. God commanded His servants and maidservants to be strong in their work for God has promised that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former.

While Sister Kong was talking about this, a brother was putting up the new signboard for the Church of Hong Kong that had arrived in that morning. After this incident, they realized that it was the twenty-first day of the lunar seventh month. God had once again revealed Sister Kong�䏭 ministry and confirmed the Inspiration of 7.21 and His desire to broaden the region of the NTC. Every one praised the Lord Jehovah loudly for His mighty accomplishments.

Once this prophecy was uttered, the Lord commanded Sister Kong to notify the brothers and sisters in the various places through an open letter. True enough, God stretched out His mighty arm, and fulfilled the Gracious Words of 9.24 according to His appointed time. On October 18 (lunar September 24), in the midst of many battles, the Church of Sibu and the churches in Taiwan: Taipei, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Kanshan, Ilan, Yangmei, Chiayi�� were established simultaneously and the signboards of the local churches were also hoisted. This fulfilled the prophecy of Sister Kong.