God Reveals the Ministry of the Prophet of All Nations

God entrusted Sister Kong with preaching the full truth of blood, water, and Holy Spirit. Ever since Sister Kong entered seclusion, Satan kept attacking her. Pain and sicknesses bound her within. Outside, there were rumors, slanders, and mocking. On top of these, her finance also met with extreme difficulties and her livelihood was uncertain. The Devil�䏭 schemes to attack her spirit, soul, and body reached their peaks.

On April 17, as Sister Kong was crying to the Lord to help her tread on the path ahead, a Pastor T, a trusted old servant of God, had come to preach in Hong Kong. The Holy Spirit said to her, �陖ou must go! There is a message specially prepared for you.�� During her past year in seclusion, this was the first time God commanded her to go anywhere, so she knew it must be in God�䏭 good will and went.

When the service began, old Pastor T stood on the pulpit and loudly announced, �嚹oday, before I preach, firstly, I want to serve God according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. When I was abroad, God revealed to me that He will raise a sister in the East to do His special and honorable work. �刖od wants to use her and the Crusade to spread the full truth of the Lord Jesus Christ unto the uttermost parts of the world. God let me see this sister in a vision and commanded me to meet her in Hong Kong. I thank God for He is truly faithful, and true enough, tonight I see that this sister has come.�� These words caused everyone to be very attentive and they wanted to know whom he was referring to. Then the old pastor pointed at Sister Kong and said, �嚹his is the sister!�� Everyone was shocked. The old pastor invited her and her co-workers to go forward. He uttered many prophecies and clasped her hands saying, �嚹he Lord�䏭 Spirit anoints you and will use your hands to do all kind of great works�劣e will use you to bring great blessings to many people. God will do mighty works; not only will He shake China and the East, He will also shake the whole world.�� That night old Pastor T invited Sister Kong to serve with him.

God commanded Sister Kong to lay hands on everyone in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and baptize them with the Holy Spirit. After the message, many came forward to the pulpit to pray. This was the first time God used Sister Kong to help baptize people with the Holy Spirit in a public assembly. Since then wherever Sister Kong went for evangelical work, she always preached about the full salvation and truth of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only did she lead men to confession and repentance, she also helped them to understand and to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

That night after completing God�䏭 work, it was already early morning. Sister Kong and the co-workers realized that it was April 18. This fulfilled the prophecy God revealed to them in mid-January. God had indeed done a tremendously great thing!