Establishing New Testament Churches in Singapore and Malaysia

The third April 18 (lunar intercalary April) was June 9. The Lord spoke to me as I flipped through the calendar to this date, saying, �𥟡n this day, you will be sent to work in Singapore and Malaysia from No. 7, 5th Floor, Soares Avenue.�� She inquired about departing ship dates, but none of them left for Singapore and Malaysia on April 18.

One afternoon, Sister Kong saw half a piece of a newspaper hanging down from the table. On it was a large advertisement of Cathy Pacific Airlines with a large picture of an airplane. Suddenly the Lord spoke to her, �陖ou need not find out the departing dates of ships. You will all go by airplane on June 9 to Singapore.�� Sister Kong didn�脌 dare to think about the possibility of taking an airplane as their present finance was already causing a problem for their livelihood. Furthermore, due to the importance of God�䏭 sacred work, she would rather this money on the various sacred words. But the Lord spoke again, �𦔒s there anything impossible in My hand? You will board an airplane on June 9 to Singapore.�� At the same time, God moved the other co-workers. Sister Kong decided that if God wanted them to take a plane, He would move someone to offer the plane tickets.

One day the Lord brought a brother who had heard rumors about Sister Kong and had doubts about her to discuss with her. He went with a heart of fear and curiosity, but after understanding the truth, he returned and was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. A few days later, this brother suddenly asked Sister Kong about the number o f people going to Singapore, the date of their departure, and their transport. Sister Kong replied, �𦒈od has appointed for the five of us to leave on June 9 (April 19 of the intercalary calendar). We had the intention of going by sea, but since there is no available ship that fits in the date, we have not decided on anything just yet.�� A few days later, this brother came and said to us, �𦒈od has prepared five round-trip air tickets of Thai Airlines departing on June 9. You don�脌 need to book ship tickets anymore.�� How wonderful!

Not long after, the Holy Spirit suddenly reminded Sister Kong of something. God had told her to leave by Cathy Pacific Airlines, why did He move people to offer Thai Airline tickets? Furthermore, one day this brother telephoned saying that the airplane of Thai Airlines would not be taking off on June 9. There were no other planes to replace this one. Could they alter the date of their departure? Sister Kong knew that this was the hindrance of the Satan. She also knew that God�䏭 words must be fulfilled. Hence, she replied, �乪e�耱l never alter the date. No matter what, we must set off according to God�䏭 appointed date. Although the situation seems impossible, we will not look at the circumstances, but only look upon the Lord and watch how He is going to perform His mighty works for us!��

One night, Satan attacked the co-workers and made them have doubts towards the Inspiration of 7.21. The Holy Spirit moved Sister Kong to hold vigil prayer with the co-workers. The Holy Spirit motivated a brother to interpret in tongues, �𡤜o not be afraid, only believe for this revelation is true�� The airplane tickets offered by the brother was originally from Thai Airlines, but I (God) have already arranged for you to fly by Cathay Pacific Airlines, for it is My exquisite will to confirm this revelation and to strengthen your faith�� You (pointing at Sister Kong), go to the room and take out the tickets given by the brother and look at the numbers. Then you will know that I am the faithful Lord who calls you to do this work.�� That morning the brother who offered the tickets came to see Sister Kong and told her, �𦒈od has truly done a great thing for us by replacing the Thai Airlines with Cathy Pacific Airlines.�� He also gave Sister Kong a not written in pencil the flight number of Cathay Pacific Airlines. After reading the note and finding nothing particularly important about the contents, she threw it in the trash can. Unexpectedly, the Holy Spirit moved someone to interpret in tongues that night and asked her to look for that note. Sister Kong quickly went to retrieve the note. When she opened the note and looked at it, she was greatly amazed at God�䏭 work. The flight number written on the note was CX721 (Cathay Pacific Flight 721).

God arranged such environments to confirm His calling on Sister Kong and to confirm that the Inspiration of 7.21 is from the Throne. Sister Kong�䏭 trip was the fulfillment of the Inspiration of 7.21.

The faithful God led them to break through the hindrances of Satan. Finally on June 9, the day appointed by the Lord, the third April 18, they took Cathay Airlines to Singapore. All the prophecies concerning April 18 were fulfilled.