Preaching the Full Gospel in Hong Kong and Kowloon

One day when Sister Kong was praying, the Lord suddenly said, �嚹here are triple April 18s this year and I want to accomplish great works on all of you.�� Sister Kong was secretly amazed at these words. There are the most, two April 18s in a year, a lunar calendar and a solar calendar, how could there be three? The Lord�䏭 Spirit led her to refer to the calendar. After flipping through it, she discovered another intercalary April in the lunar calendar. True enough, there were three April 18s. On the second April 18 (lunar calendar), which was May 11 of the solar calendar, God sent Sister Kong from No. 7, 5th Floor, Soares Avenue to start doing his work. She began by holding Spirit edification services in various chapels in Hong Kong and Kowloon. Day and night, she preached the complete holy truth of life �弎lood, water, and Holy Spirit.