The Holy Spirit Rebuilds the New Testament Church

Sister Kong and the co-workers of the Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade (GJCC) arrived in Singapore and began the 55-day camp meeting where they preached the full truth of blood, water, and Holy Spirit. Every night they would first preach about the salvation through the remission of sins by the precious blood followed by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and gaining strength to submit to the Holy Spirit to lead a holy life. This is to help people understand that not only do they have to be purified and forgiven by the blood, they also need to obey the Lord�䏭 command to accept the baptism of water and the Holy Spirit. Praying in tongues is something every believer must do in order to communicate with God in the Spirit and be built into the spiritual house. Although those who opposed the spiritual grace did what they could to slander her, as well as disturbances from idol worshippers and sorcerers, but God manifested His glory and power and confirmed the full gospel preached by Sister Kong. The Holy Spirit worked powerfully. Miracles, sings, and wonders appeared. The sick were healed and the lame could walk. The dominion of idols and sorcery were destroyed. Some lukewarm saints were greatly revived after receiving the Holy Spirit and began to love the Lord with fervency. Heretics, Buddhists, and Catholics, etc. left their false doctrines, confessed and believed in the Lord. Sorcerers, witches, and gangsters arose to smash and burn their idols and charms. Thus, the Lord�䏭 name was greatly glorified.

After Sister Kong fought this victorious battle and witnessed for the gospel of Christ, God sent her and the GJCC to Malaysia. She started from the capital, Kuala Lumpur, and then went on to Ipoh, Penang, Sitiawang, Kluang, Yongping, and Johor Bahru. The Holy Spirit worked mightily in each place and there were numerous miracles and wonders. The power of the gospel shook even greater in Malaysia than in Singapore. Especially in Kuala Lumpur, as Satan instigated a mob to try to attack Sister Kong. Sorcerers and hooligans wanted to put Sister Kong to death. This triggered the biggest riot since the independence of Malaysia. It this tense moment, even the Blue Arm Force was dispatched. It was truly a ferocious battle. However, Sister Kong courageously assumed the ministry and preached for God�䏭 words. She went to and fro safely. In one night, God used His glorious gospel to shake Malaysia, so that His power would gain great glory.