Miraculous Camp Meeting

During the first night of the campaign, some people got up to leave after hearing the truth for sometime. Actually, many Christians were desirous to listen to the truth, but were hindered by the preachers of their denominations. Most of them knew about how Sister Kong found grace. Even though many of them were told that she was from the evil spirit and a heretic, they still came wanting to observe for themselves. Thus, their preachers warned them, saying, �陖ou can go and listen, but you must be cautious. Don�脌 let her lay hands on your heads, lest you be possessed by the evil spirit!�� The safest way is to leave after she has preached about salvation.�� So, every time after Sister Kong preached about salvation through the remission of sins by the precious blood and was proceeding on to spiritual grace, many people got up to leave. After the preaching, Sister Kong invited people to come to the pulpit to confess their sins and repent and helped them receive the Holy Spirit baptism. Many new believers were gained and spoke in new tongues (tongue utterance). But many who were already Christians did not dare come forward to receive the baptism. Some sat in their chairs, others hid behind trees, while others watched beside the gate. Gradually, the Holy Spirit Himself expanded His own work. After the believers received the spiritual grace, they were filled with peace and joy, their lives underwent a great transformation and revival, and their sicknesses were wonderfully healed. Therefore, they got up to testify enthusiastically everywhere. One by one, they brought people along to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They were like a cloud of witnesses. Those who doubted changed their attitudes and God�䏭 signs and wonders also increased gradually.

In Balestier Road, there was a gang of rogues (majority were youngsters ranging from ages 10 to 20) who pilfered, murdered, pillaged, blackmailed, robbed, committed arsons, jabbed witchcraft needles into themselves (a witchcraft needle used to nab victims through enchantments, this is the devil�䏭 tool for killing souls), created violence, bullied young women, etc. There was not an evil deed which they had not done or violence which they had not attempted. They were very troublesome to the policemen of Singapore. Every night, when these gangs went out to commit crimes, they would always pass Faith Hill (the place of the campaign). When they saw many people at the gospel campaign and heard that the speaker was a movie star before, they were curious and stood near the doorway to join in the fun. When the rogues hear Sister Kong referring to various sins, they felt discontented. So after the sermon had been released on the following night, this group of rascals came again to disturb with the intention of ruining the venue. Some prepared to steal the offering box, some got ready to throw rotten eggs and stones at Sister Kong, and others jabbed themselves with their witchcraft needles in order to compete their powers with hers.

Before leading people to confess their sins and pray, Sister Kong would inquire if they possessed cigarettes, drugs, gambling devices, charms, filthy and evil things, evil books, amulet, rosaries, lottery tickets, red packets, idol images, photographs of movie stars, obscene magazine, witchcraft needles and so on. If they had these things, she would ask them to remove these things before praying, so that they might truthfully resolve to confess and depart from sins. As only then the Lord could forgive them. That night, it was regrettable that there were still many people who accepted her laying of hands without discarding those accursed things from their bodies. They assumed that nobody would know, but were ignorant of the fact that God�䏭 eyes were omnipresent. Thus, God struck the down to the floor one by one. Some had stomach ache while others were shaking from head to toe. At that instance, they all called loudly to the Lord Jesus to forgive their sins. Furthermore, they took out all those filthy, accursed, and abominable things, which ought to be eliminated. Some started to confess their hidden sins, praying that the Lord would forgive them. After their confession, they had peace straight away. They also received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, and that brought a drastic change to their lives. When the gangsters saw these occurrences, they perceived God�䏭 power and reverence for Him grew in their hearts. Thus, they dared not ruin the venue.

Suddenly, from the crowd came a youth who requested me to pray for him. This gangster later testified, �𦔒t was out of my curiosity that I received the Holy Spirit last night, for I was just trying to find out what it was. But very wonderfully, when I was speaking in tongues, my heart was filled with a peace and joy I had never had before. When I returned home last night, the Lord Jesus let me see a vision. I saw a beautiful heaven as clear as crystal and I realized that the Lord Jesus is the true God and Savior. I also saw a dire Lake of Fire, which was burning with brimstone. The people therein were in extreme agony. Then I heard the Lord Jesus say, �姯hose who sin will have to suffer here forever. You must sin no more!�仮�� When he was testifying, many people were very moved as they knew him to be a rascal before. Some even saw him causing commotion there two nights ago, and hence they were all convinced of God�䏭 power.

There was another youth who was the head of a certain black society. He kept long hair and dressed like a typical hooligan. He jabbed a very wicked witchcraft needle in his body (this technique takes several years of practice to achieve) to challenge Sister Kong. He was thinking that nobody could excel him with that witchcraft needle in his body because he had usually used it to fight, create evil, accept briberies everywhere, and force many youths to join his secret organization. Thus everybody was frightened of him. That night many people were baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. They prostrated themselves before the Lord�䏭 feet and were led by the Holy Spirit to see visions. Many who neither believed nor obeyed were struck down to the ground by the Holy Spirit, including the gang leader. Many people stood around with horrified expressions, as they did not know what we were doing. By then, there were so many people lying on the ground that about a third of the space was occupied by unconscious men. The gangster�䏭 head was struck down by the Holy Spirit and was groaning in pain on the floor. Many people around him saw that his lips had turned pale when he gave a loud shout: �𦔒�联 almost finished! It is the end of me!�� Usually after committing an evil deed, he could take out the needle by chanting for a while with his middle finger pressing against his body or by drinking a glass of water. But the needle could not come out this time. It was circulating in his body and he was feeling intense pain! Whatever method he employed was useless. He was all the more horrified to see that Sister Kong was still alive. He requested for Sister Kong to pray for him and he was willing to repent. Sister Kong cursed the evil spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and commanded him to leave the youth. Then she led him to confess and later this needle was drawn out of his body. Many marveled at the accomplishment of God. The youth was foaming at the mouth as he was thrown into a fit. It seemed as though the evil spirit were leaving him at that moment. After a while, his senses were restored and he received the spiritual grace with joy. On the second night, he appeared again at the venue with a prominent change in him. His long hair, cigarettes, red T-shirt, etc. had disappeared. As a result, many gangsters recognized the Savior Lord Jesus.

S.C. Lo, who was only 16 years old, had already committed many crimes. One night after he had listened to a sermon, he believed in the Lord, repented of his sins, and received the spiritual grace. He sat in the Hall an fell into a deep sleep and could not be woken. He went on sleeping in the chapel and kept speaking in tongues until 2:00 a.m. All the gangsters surrounded him, trying to wake him by pushing, hitting, pinching his nose, showering him with cold water�� doing all they could, but he just could not be awaken. Then Sister Kong and the co-workers prayed for him and sang hymn 150 to praise God. After a while, the youth woke up. He said, �嚹he Lord Jesus is really the true God. He let me see a vision.�� He testified that the Lord had led him to see heaven, which has streets of gold and walls of jasper clear as crystal, holy and splendid. The Lord said to him, �乪hosoever bears the cross to follow the Lord on the holy, eternal, and narrow path will enjoy eternal blessing here.�� Then the Lord brought him to see hell, the lake of fire, which was a very dark and fearful place. Countless sinners were burned alive I the lake of fiery brimstone to be burnt by the eternal fire and suffer enteral pains and scorching. The Lord to him, �侻in no more because all those who practice witchcraft, worship idols, and commit other sins, will perish likewise.�� The Lord charged the youth to preach the gospel and lead people to confess, repent, and depart from sins sincerely. Hence he said to another fellow gangster, �陖ou have committed such and such sins, repent quickly!�� Following that, he pointed out the sins of every youth. God convicted the sins that these youths had committed. So all of them knelt down, confessed their sins repented remorsefully praying that the Lord�䏭 precious blood would forgive them. They also prayed in tongues, and besought the Lord to send down the Holy Spirit and power to protect them so that they might overcome sins and lead a holy life in the future.

The awesome works of the Holy Spirit were evident and solemn. No one remain unconvinced. The word of God spread and prevailed. The powerful gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ shook all of Singapore.