Rainbow around the Sun, Throne of God Revealed,
Sign of the Covenant

On October 28, God�䏭 will of the Holy Spirit rebuilding the New Testament Church (NTC) was made known. On the following day (29th), the Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade (GJCC) was commissioned to go on. Within a little more than a month, the Holy Spirit established nine local churches (later mentioned). Every church was established amidst battles. One the NTC was established, God wanted to gather His sheep to His true sheepfold. At first Sister Kong thought God had only given her the entrustment of restoring the full truth of blood, water, and Holy Spirit that was lost for ages. But later she understood that God�䏭 highest will was to demolish the denominations which are manmade organizations and to unite His children under the full truth and to be established in the NTC rebuilt by the Holy Spirit. From then on, Sister Kong would not only preach about the truth on salvation and the spiritual grace, she would also speak about the Inspiration of 7.21�㺱emolishing the denominations and the Holy Spirit rebuilds the NTC. The denominations were greatly shaken and rallied together to oppose her. Thus, Sister Kong encountered great trials and persecutions. However, God used many circumstances and visions to confirm His will and to fortify the faith of Sister Kong so that could faithfully advance without fear.

While in Kluang, Sister Kong faced many unusual battles in the spirit concerning the Inspiration of 7.21. In her spirit, she felt that the path of the cross was getting narrower and felt discouraged. However, God showed His mercy and comforted her. He led her to read the Book of Haggai and she discovered the words �𦤹n the seventh month, on the twenty-first of the month�� in the chapter 2 verse 1. The words month and day were written in italics to indicate their absence in the original version; so it is clearly seven and twenty-one. Sister Kong had read this book over a number of times during her leisure hours, but had never taken notice of it. In order to confirm the Inspiration of 7.21, God opened her spiritual eyes were suddenly opened. When she saw this mystery, her strength was renewed.

On November 22 at Johore Bahru, Sister Kong encountered difficulties and her spirit was doubtful of the path of NTC, God immediately strengthened her with a celestial phenomenon. She walked into the garden and looked up casually. At that time she discovered a circular rainbow in the cloudless sky. Immediately the Holy Spirit enlightened her on what Apostle John saw in Revelation chapter four and the vision of the throne seen by Prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapter one verse 28. The throne had the appearance of a rainbow all around it. This means that the celestial phenomenon of the rainbow around the sun is actually the manifestation of God�䏭 throne. This was also the loving, honest covenant made by God with her. It proved that the message and power of the Most High Throne would be responsible for her and would protect her so that she would be able to accomplish the great work God had entrusted her amidst battles and persecutions.