The Blood of a Martyr Ignites the Flame of Revival

God wonderfully fulfilled the Gracious Words of 9.24 pronounced by Sister Kong. A dozen or so churches were simultaneously established in Taiwan and raised their signboards. As spiritual problems in the churches emerged, God was also revealing various ministers and workers in His house. They could watch over the testimony and shepherd the flock. Therefore, Sister Kong and the brothers and sisters of Taiwan felt it necessary for her to make a visit to Taiwan in order to understand the present situation of the churches there. She would be able to solve their problems and ordain ministers according to the arrangement of the Holy Spirit.

However, Sister Kong�䏭 tongue was severely afflicted and often bled profusely. For many months, she had been unable to speak aloud and had to communicate through writing. Moreover, now that many churches were being established, they urgently needed edification in the truth so Sister Kong was very busy with literary work. Day and night, Sister Kong was busy writing while in intense pain. She was practically strengthless and had no time to go to Taiwan. Since she couldn�脌 open her mouth to speak, what was the use of going to Taiwan?

In September, in a vision, Sister Kong saw herself kneeling at the Taiwan airport weeping and praying. She was wearing winter clothes. Through this, she knew God wanted her to go and that it would take place in December. Later, she saw a pool of blood and a flame of fire and in the midst of them was a cross. The Holy Spirit revealed to her that the descent of the flame of revival must be preceded by the shedding of blood. The Holy Spirit charged Sister Kong to carry the cross and advance courageously.

On the night of November 24, Sister Kong was suffering intense pain in her tongue and could not sleep. She heard the Lord speaking to her several times that He wanted to use her suffering of the cross to manifest His exceedingly great glory. God told her to go to Taiwan on December 7. On the following morning, her tongue bled profusely. There were great spurts of fresh blood and two towels were drenched with blood. But fortunately, the Lord had revealed Himself to her on the night of the 24th, so there was no fear in her heart, instead she wholly offered her life and was determined to answer the Lord�䏭 call to go to Taiwan.

On December 7, despite Satan�䏭 many disturbances, Sister Kong finally made the trip. On the plane, her tongue bled without ceasing and a handkerchief was drenched with blood. However, she felt peaceful in the spirit, she knew that God would bring about the flame of revival.

Tears coursed down Sister Kong�䏭 cheeks when she saw the land of Taiwan from the air. When she first obtained grace from God, she had often wept and prayed for her homeland. The Lord gave her this promise that He would bestow grace on her country and that the flame of revival would be kindled in the East (Taiwan) and continue to burn unto the uttermost part of the earth. True enough, God worked wonderfully in Taiwan. Not only did He establish churches in Taiwan, He also chose a group of useful vessels that were willing to have a share in the great work of revival. In 1965, Sister Kong had seen several times in a vision that God brought her to Taiwan and she was kneeling and praying on the land of Taiwan. Now these visions were all fulfilled. After Sister alighted from the plane and stepped out of the customs counter, she was immediately moved by the Holy Spirit to kneel at the airport, weeping and praying with thanksgiving. Some brothers kneeled and prayed together with her. Many nonbelievers were surprised. In fact, this was what God had preordained and they were only fulfilling it before men that day. For in this last generation, God has raised a prophet in China to restore the long lost witness of blood, water, and Holy Spirit, the complete holy truth of life of the New Testament Church (NTC). God is even more earnest for this truth to be preached by a group of dedicated workers from the rising of the sun (East) to the going down thereof (West), and to the uttermost parts of the earth.

That night, Sister Kong held a Co-workers�� Meeting at the Church of Taipei. After not speaking for several months, Sister Kong tried to speak. Her tongue vibrated, but no sound came out. She then realized that God did not want her to speak. Thereupon she submitted to His will. There were three meetings every day during her stay and a co-worker would either read the words she was moved to write or from the Book of Esther, a book she was moved to write concerning the revelation of the Holy Spirit rebuilds the NTC. She would sit on a chair next to the pulpit. Though she sat there silently, she was in fact praying unceasingly in her spirit for the service.

Although Sister Kong did not say a word, the Holy Spirit worked even more through her silence. God�䏭 words brought forth great power. Many who were uncertain of the vision were enlightened. After understanding the epochal vision of the NTC they returned back to the fold.

Sister Kong was already feeling feeble due to the excess bleeding and pain during the months before she made her trip to Taiwan. Apart from the daily services, there were also endless discussions, which drained her energy. In addition, Satan launched malicious attacks on her and she caught a cold and suffered from coughing. Every time she coughed, her tongue was painfully affected. If the tongue accidentally touched her teeth, it was as though her wound had been slashed by a knife and blood would gush out. She was hemorrhaging and in agony. She vomited blood both during the service and discussion and she could not sleep well at night. She served faithfully while bleeding throughout the twenty-four hours.

Hence, the Lord made Sister Kong a public display so that she would be a living path of the cross, which dripped with blood before men. He would use His mighty right arm to sustain this weak vessel according to His loving kindness and mercy. Through Sister Kong, brothers and sisters saw the sacrificial love of the Lord on the cross. Hence, many hardened hearts were drawn and dissolved by the great love of His cross, so they renounced their self and surrendered to His will.

The Holy Spirit worked wondrously and gloriously. It was then that Sister Kong understood the words spoken to her by the Lord on November 24. She didn�脌 know why the Lord sent her, a useless �騦ute�� person to Taiwan. Now she understood that God had sent her to Taiwan to preach for His truth in silence to fulfill what is written in the Bible. �輶ehold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring froth justice to the Gentiles. He will not cry out, nor raise His voice, nor cause His voice to be heard in the street�� (Isa. 42: 1��2). �𥟡h, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor?...�� May glory be to Him forever and ever. Amen.