Setting an Everlasting Covenant

During the Co-workers�� Conference in August 1965, God revealed His will through the messages preached by Sister Kong and His glorious acts during the conference. The co-workers were strengthened and moved by the Lord�䏭 love. They were willing to forsake everything and join the Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade (GJCC). God gained even more vessels that were after His heart. They were willing to shoulder the mission of establishing the New Testament churches and ushering in the great revival of 1966. Amidst many trials and battles, the prophecy in the beginning of the year of revealing the ministry of the GJCC had been fulfilled.

On the last day of the Co-workers�� Conference (August 20), when the co-workers were preparing to depart and be commissioned abroad to start the universal spiritual revolution, something wonderful happened. That afternoon, there was a glorious celestial phenomenon of a rainbow around the sun in the cloudless sky. None of the co-workers who came from abroad to attend the conference had ever seen this phenomenon before. Every one marveled and was in awe of God�䏭 work. This was all in God�䏭 beautiful will as He wanted the co-workers to see the vision from heaven before they left so that they would acknowledge the everlasting covenant He had set with them. The mission that God had entrusted Sister Kong and the GJCC would surely be fulfilled.