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Everyone Has the Right to the Best EducationEveryone Has the Right to the Best Education

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Since Taiwan�䏭 education is degenerated, evil, and corrupt, we cannot send our children there to be brainwashed. We have the right to refuse the yoke of Taiwan's educational system. We have the right to reject the enslavement of such education. We have the right to homeschool our children according to the Truth in the Bible. Parents have the right to their children�䏭 education. Compulsory education means that adults are obligated to teach their children, that no one can deprive children of an education, and that children are protected from child labor. It is not about forcing children to accept any particular form of education, especially a government-run one. Compulsory education does not give the government the power to deprive parents of their right to educate their own children. In other words, if parents can provide a better education outside the present system, the government cannot interfere. Otherwise, it is the feudal politics that monopolize the education, clamp down freethinking and kill souls. Such monopoly on education is despicable! It abuses the use of educational funds and causes corrupt education.

In order to save the next generation and defend the truth, we follow the leading of God to teach and learn freely according to the truth on Mount Zion. Eden Homestead carries out God-based education. Thankfully, God has prepared a good and natural environment for us to learn on Mount Zion. God has also prepared excellent teachers in Jacob�䏭 house. Under their loving and patient guidance, our children are able to learn happily without the pressures of the distorted values of man�䏭 kingdom. We want our children to be Edenites who fear and glorify God, who will go on to be the leaders of all nations that help of this generation with the Truth.