Welcome to Mount Zion Welcome to Mount Zion

Zion is the beauteous home where God and man enjoy rest! Zion is the city of the Great King, Jesus Christ! Zion is the holy mountain where all nations shall come on pilgrimage!
Mount Zion in Hsiaolin, Kaohsiung, Taiwan is the holy mountain God has chosen in the last days to usher in the new heaven and new earth, the millennial kingdom.
In 1963, God led Elijah Hong, the Prophet of All Nations, to this mountain to cultivate this land. In 1979, the prophet settled down on this mountain and proclaimed: �𢜛ount Zion in Hsiaolin, Kaohsiung, Taiwan is the mountain of the LORD�䏭 house as prophesied in the Book of Isaiah! All nations shall flow to this mountain!�� Following, Christians began to come on pilgrimage from all parts of the world. Unexpectedly, this movement caused the ruling authorities (the Chiang dynasty and the Kuomintang) to become paranoid, resulting in a series of terrible persecution of Christians on Mount Zion.
In 1980, the Kuomintang (KMT) thought up a ruse to plunder Mount Zion and oust her inhabitants. Nevertheless, the prophet held fast to God�䏭 will. He was moved by the Holy Spirit to lead the New Testament Church (NTC) to fight for their return to Mount Zion, their homeland. With the mindset of �鑥ot for fame or gain, but for truth and justice�� and the will of �𣿯eads may roll and blood may flow, but we vow to return to Zion,�� we fought seven long years of bloody battles. In 1986, we ultimately triumphed over despotism and returned to Zion in victory.
After returning to Zion, the prophet led us to rebuild our homestead in accordance to God�䏭 will. We practiced organic farming and poison-free enterprise. In just a few years, Zion finally rose from her ruins and become the beauteous Eden sought by all.
Mount Zion is the place where God and man enjoy peace together. Here, Christ reigns, the Holy Spirit is in control, and everyone lives in harmony. There are no distinctions of race, nationality, gender, age, class, or financial status. Everyone is part of a big loving family in Christ. The lost Eden has reappeared among men. �輶ack to God�䏭 rule, back to nature, and back to Eden�� is truly the new direction for mankind and all creation!
Mount Zion is the city of the Great King, Jesus Christ. She is beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth. Here, God receives the homage of all nations and blesses them. Friends, we hope that when you come up to Zion, you will not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Entreat grace from Him and He will surely bless you greatly from Zion!