Taking Leave of the Believers

Paul took leave of the believers at Corinth and sailed for Syria with Priscilla and Aquila. He had his hair cut off at Cenchrea because of a vow he had taken. He thanked God for His protection. When he arrived at Ephesus, he entered the synagogue first, just as he used to do and reasoned with the Jews. The believers at Ephesus asked Paul to spend more time with them, but he was set to go to Jerusalem. Before leaving, he comforted them, "I will come back if it is God�䏭 will.�� He asked Priscilla and Aquila to stay in Ephesus to establish the saints there, and he himself sailed from Ephesus to Caesarea and Jerusalem (Acts 18:18��23).

When he had sailed from Ephesus and landed at Caesarea, Paul went up and greeted the church at Jerusalem. Then he went down to Antioch, ending his second missionary trip.

After spending some time in Antioch, Paul set out from there and traveled throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the believers (Acts 18:24��28).