Visiting the Churches

When Paul was in Ephesus, he often thought about the churches in Macedonia and Achaia. He planned to visit these newly established churches and sail to Jerusalem after his evangelical work in Ephesus. Paul also heard that many in Rome had believed in the Lord, and he said, "After I have been there, I must visit Rome also.�� After the uproar in Ephesus had ceased, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, said good-bye and set out for Macedonia.

In Macedonia, Paul visited the churches established during his second missionary trip. He gave them many words of encouragement before going Greece嚗墒here he stayed three months. He had planned to sail from there to Syria, but when he found out a plot was made against him by the Jews, he changed his plan. He sent his co-workers to sail to Troas. He took Luke along and went inland by Macedonia to meet the co-workers in Troas (Acts 19:21��22; 20:1��5).