End Man's Kingdom, Realize God's Kingdom Terminate Human Kingdoms, Realize God's Kingdom

God of Heaven Sets up a Kingdom and a King
�𦯷nd in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever�� (Dan. 2:44). Jesus answered, �𢜛y kingdom is not of this world�� (John 18:36). The kingdom God sets up is the kingdom of the Lord�𤴆he church of the living God. All those who have received the complete truth of blood, water, and Holy Spirit and who follow the apostles�� leading are the citizens of this holy kingdom (see Phil. 3:20). They are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household (church) of God (see Eph. 2:19).
The rulers of man�䏭 kingdoms join hands to deny God�䏭 sovereignty. But when they take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, God issues His solemn decree: �陖et I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion�� (see Ps. 2:1��6). This King of Zion is Jesus Christ, the King of kings. He is the King set up by God (see Acts 17:7). God has set up not only a kingdom, but a King as well. This kingdom is unshakable (see Heb. 12:28). When Christ reigns, He will end all rule and authority and will deliver the kingdom to God the Father (see 1 Cor. 15:24��25). When man�䏭 kingdoms are crushed, the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He (our Lord Jesus Christ) shall reign forever and ever! (Rev. 11:15). This kingdom and this King shall remain forever! The gospel of the Lord Jesus is the gospel of this everlasting kingdom. It will be preached in all the world as a witness to all people. And then the end will come.
Union or Separation of Church and State?
The kings rule only for the time being, but the Lord Jesus reigns for eternity. Satan deceives people by drawing their attention to the reign of earthly kings. He also uses these rulers to oppress people. All the news media today mainly cover the words and deeds of the world leaders. These rulers that have come to power�癳hether through self-appointment, secession, military coup, or democratic elections�悧ave become the center of attention. To get where they are, they couldn�脌 care less if others must suffer. Everyone is at the mercy of these kings. Even religious leaders, who claim that they serve God, only dare to consider the rulers of man�䏭 kingdoms (Caesar) their only king (see John 19:15). The freedom to serve God turned out to be a �𦤦ranted�� privilege in the constitution of man�䏭 kingdom. That means one�䏭 faith has come under the control of the system of man�䏭 kingdoms, and the position of the church is debased. The church will even be enslaved. The relationship between man�䏭 kingdom and the church has become one of �𦣇hurch and state��. This has evolved into the irrelevant debate over �崬nion of church and state verses separation of church and state��.
In reality, the stone cut out of the mountain without hands (the church of the living God�𤴆he New Testament Church) is the terminator of man�䏭 kingdoms (see Dan. 2:44). How can the terminator and the terminated be united? In the same way, separation of church and state is also a fallacy that degrades the church. Both the union and separation of church and state approve the existence of man�䏭 kingdoms. So this is an erroneous concept, because God has destined to crush man�䏭 kingdoms. Man�䏭 kingdoms do not have a relationship with God�䏭 church. Relations between politics and religions may improve and each entity may even benefit each other. But the relationship between the church of the living God and man�䏭 kingdoms will never improve. To the church of God, man�䏭 kingdoms are destined to be destroyed. Therefore, the church of the living God and man�䏭 kingdoms have no church-state relationship, and issue like �𦨴eparation of the church and state�� is irrelevant.
End Man�䏭 Kingdoms, Realize God�䏭 Kingdom
Man�䏭 kingdoms are the seats of the devil (see Rev. 17:15). They are the domains of Satan�䏭 activities (see Rev. 17:18). For the past thousand years, man�䏭 kingdoms have made significant progress in politics, economy, military, technology, and culture. This is indeed the great city of Babylon recorded in the Bible. Satan controls all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. They are his trump card for gaining the worship of the world (see Matt. 4:8). But the great city of Babylon will fall in one hour, and all her glory will be brought to ruin (see Rev. 18:1��4).
To sacrifice one�䏭 life for any kingdom of man is to be an accomplice of man�䏭 kingdom. Such a sacrifice will be in vain. The nature of man�䏭 kingdoms is to be independent of God and to be at enmity with Him. Therefore, loving these man-made organizations (the great image), which were never meant to exist in the first place, is not a virtue, but a degenerate emotion from the devil Satan. The end of man�䏭 kingdoms is near. The King of kings shall strike all nations (see Rev. 19:15). All people should come out of Babylon, lest they share in her sins (see Rev. 18:4).
People should come out of the myth of patriotism, and stop taking part in its related activities. Men are created by God and they should give themselves to God. They do not belong to any kingdom of man. The prophecies of the prophets concerning man�䏭 kingdoms shall all come true. God of heaven will terminate man�䏭 kingdoms. This is something He will accomplish in these last days (see Rev. 1:19). Smashing man�䏭 kingdoms is not destructive, but constructive. Ending man�䏭 kingdoms is realizing God�䏭 kingdom�𤴆he universal and peaceful kingdom of Christ. The holy obligation of the New Testament Church is to rule with God�䏭 power, end man�䏭 kingdoms, and realize God�䏭 kingdom. This is the only way for mankind to enjoy peace and rest.