Execute Justice, Save Mankind Uphold Justice, Destroy Tyranny, Save Mankind

Fight Injustice to Uphold Justice
Today, the light of all nations has been established by God on earth! Behold, it is God�䏭 servant, the Prophet of All Nations Elijah Hong, and the GJCC! As God�䏭 signet ring, he is appointed to rule in God�䏭 name (see Hag. 2:23) and to uphold righteousness. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many. He will lead the saints to walk in the light of the LORD and bring them into eternal peace. (See Isa. 2: 4��5 NIV.) Therefore, if you want to solve all problems and rescue the oppressed, come to the NTC and entreat God�䏭 grace from the Prophet of All Nations Elijah Hong and the GJCC. God didn�脌 entrust this great mission of rescuing mankind to any leader of the world, but solely to His servant Elijah Hong�𤤗 light of all nations, who has faithfully carried out his duty. Although the rulers of the world are arrogant and savage, he is dauntless and duty-bound. He will fight whom God wants him to fight, and save whom God wants him to save, until God�䏭 justice is established on earth!
The light of all nations brings justice for all. This is not a mere slogan or theory, but with practical action. The Bible says, �乪ith their sharp swords in their hands to defeat the nations and punish the peoples; to bind their kings in chains, their leaders in chains of iron; to punish the nations as God has commanded. This is the victory of God�䏭 people�� (Ps. 147:6��9 TEV). Here, God gives His people a command�䕑unish the nations, bind their kings in chains, and their leaders in chains of iron! Whoever crusades against the tyrants and tyrannies according to this command is a victor. From here we see that upholding justice means fighting injustice. Justice will only be served when the wicked are punished, tyrants executed, tyrannies destroyed. Then the people will be relieved of their suffering. Now, God has set the Prophet of All Nations Elijah Hong over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant. (See Jer. 1:10.) Therefore, it is the duty of the Prophet of All Nations to interfere, pursue, rebuke, and punish all that is lawless, unfair, and unjust, regardless of the individual (from commoners to royalty), the society, ethnicity, the country, or even the international community!
The Gospel of Jubilee Saves Mankind
Behold! The acceptable year of the LORD is here! The gospel of jubilee will open the eyes of the blind, open the ears of the deaf, and liberate those who are oppressed! Arise, you who are oppressed by tyrants! Take refuge in Jesus Christ and accept the gospel of jubilee! God wants to liberate you from the bondage of tyrants so that you may enjoy the freedom and joy of jubilee! As for the homeless, God will end your days of wandering! God has prepared a home for all people�渊ount Zion. This is the house of our heavenly Father; it is also the house for all nations. The LORD�䏭 commanded blessings and everlasting life are found here. All nations! Arise! Go on the homebound way, return to our heavenly Father�䏭 home, enter the glorious liberty of God�䏭 children, and enjoy everlasting peace and blessings!